Ralph Questions The ‘Transparency’ Claims From The Biden Administration

Ralph Questions The ‘Transparency’ Claims From The Biden Administration

The Biden Documents Saga Continues As Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre is pressed by the White House Press Core for information on the investigation into the classified documents, & Ralph pays his respects to the slew of people who have passed away in the first two weeks of the new year.

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Clayton Campbell Talks Future of Zack Scrivner & The Kason Guyton Trial

Clayton Campbell Talks Future of Zack Scrivner & The Kason Guyton Trial

Noted Kern County lawyer Clayton Campbell returns to TRBS as he & Ralph discuss what will happen to former Supervisor Zack Scrivner as months pass without any charges being filed against him for sexual assault, & Clayton gives us an update on the trial of the killers of 5-year old Kason Guyton. KERN Radio ·…