Cathy Challenges Turnipseed As She & Ralph Talk Diversity

Cathy Challenges Turnipseed As She & Ralph Talk Diversity

Professor Cathy Abernathy joins TRBS and challenges Mike Turnipseed to contact her to explain why he believes her thoughts on the new city Ward maps are incorrect, & then she and Ralph discuss the mass shooting that took place blocks away from the California Capital & she explains why Title 42 will inevitably cause more issues for the Democrats.

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Nick Ragone Discusses The Life & Presidency of James Earl Carter Jr.

Nick Ragone Discusses The Life & Presidency of James Earl Carter Jr.

TRBS talks with Presidential Expert Nick Ragone about the passing of the oldest living president in American history, Jimmy Carter, & his extensive list of post-presidential accomplishments that the American people will remember forever. KERN Radio · Nick Ragone Discusses The Life & Presidency of James Earl Carter Jr.