Ralph Explains R Kelly’s Conviction for Breaking The Man Act

Ralph Explains R Kelly’s Conviction for Breaking The Man Act

TRBS Host Ralph Bailey talks about yesterdays conviction of popular R&B artist R Kelly for racketeering and breaking the Man Act, and how the Bob Woodward’s book Peril is the key reason that led to the Joint Chiefs of Staff appearing in front of Congress yet again to out Biden for his lies regarding the evacuation of Afghanistan.

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Nick Ragone Discusses The Life & Presidency of James Earl Carter Jr.

Nick Ragone Discusses The Life & Presidency of James Earl Carter Jr.

TRBS talks with Presidential Expert Nick Ragone about the passing of the oldest living president in American history, Jimmy Carter, & his extensive list of post-presidential accomplishments that the American people will remember forever. KERN Radio · Nick Ragone Discusses The Life & Presidency of James Earl Carter Jr.