Bakersfield orthopedic surgeon explains the state of replacement surgeries, care

Bakersfield orthopedic surgeon explains the state of replacement surgeries, care

Some of the most common surgical procedures done these days are knee and hip replacement surgeries, and longtime Bakersfield orthopedic surgeon Dr. Chris Hamilton was a guest on the Aug. 15 episode of “The Richard Beene Show” to discuss the advances in the procedures and to take other questions about orthopedic health from callers.

During an hour-long interview between Hamilton and host Richard Beene, Hamilton said the most common orthopedic surgery involves knees, including knee replacement, but the doctor also discussed his professional development and love of Bakersfield.

Dr. Chris Hamilton, right, talks about knee and hip replacement surgeries with Richard Beene.

Educated at Stanford and UCLA, where he earned his medical degree, Hamilton practiced at Yale New Haven Hospital and later fellowshipped at prestigious Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic in Los Angeles. Kerlan-Jobe performed some of the most groundbreaking surgeries to help save and further the careers of numerous professional athletes.

“I learned a lot about taking care of people at (Kerlan-Jobe),” Hamilton said.

Hamilton is now one of the lead doctors with the Southern California Orthopedic Institute, which has offices in Bakersfield, Simi Valley, Van Nuys and other locations.

Hamilton, who has worked closely with Garces High School athletics and the Bakersfield Condors professional hockey team, explained the knee surgeries continue to be the most common of the procedures he handles.

“Statistically it’s knees by far,” he said. “Knee replacements are much more common.”

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