Heroin, meth bust across the street from Bakersfield High

Heroin, meth bust across the street from Bakersfield High

The Kern County Sheriff’s Department arrested two people on suspicion of selling methamphetamine and heroin across the street from Bakersfield High School.

Deputies arrested Sabino Ramos, 42, in the 1800 block of California Avenue on suspicion that he had an ounce of meth that was packaged for sale. Ramos was also wanted for two outstanding felony warrants.

Deputies then served a search warrant at Ramos’ residence across the street from BHS and found an additional pound of meth and an ounce of heroin inside the home. Deputies arrested Shana Lankford, 42, at the residents. Both Lankford and Ramos were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy, sales of a controlled substance, maintaining a residence for the purpose of sales, felony child endangerment, and trafficking of a narcotic controlled substance. Ramos was also arrested for being in possession of a controlled substance within 1000 feet of a school campus and the two felony warrants.

Both Ramos and Lankford were booked into the Central Receiving Facility.

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