Woman dies after car plunges into Lake Isabella

Woman dies after car plunges into Lake Isabella

A woman died Thursday night after her car went into Lake Isabella at Kissack Cove, and authorities say it may have been the result of mechanical failure.

The Kern County Sheriff’s Department said it received a report at 6 p.m. that a vehicle had gone into the lake with a person inside. Sheriff’s officials said initially they were told it may have been an intentional act, but witness statements at the scene said the vehicle may have suffered mechanical failure before plunging into the lake.

Kern County Search and Rescue responded to the scene and were assisted by personnel from Kern County Fire Department.  Rescue crews placed a boat in the water and retrieved the woman from her car. The woman was removed from the lake and taken via ambulance to Kern Valley Hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Kern Valley Search and Rescue remained on scene and assisted search and rescue divers with the removal of the vehicle from the lake. Details regarding the identity of the woman are pending notification of family.

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