Polling data suggests The Rock looks real good in election

Polling data suggests The Rock looks real good in election

At least one polling service suggests that if an election were held today that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson would defeat President Donald Trump. The poll, which is conducted by Public Policy Polling, comes in the wake of Johnson saying he’s mulling a presidential bid.

Johnson told GQ Magazine earlier this week that “I think that it’s a real possibility.”

Previously, Johnson had made jokes about the suggestion, but he turned serious in the GQ interview.

“I feel like I’m in a position now where my word carries a lot of weight and influence, which of course is why they want the endorsement,” Johnson said in the article. “But I also have a tremendous amount of respect for the process and felt like if I did share my political views publicly, a few things would happen … I felt like it would either (a) make people unhappy with the thought of whatever my political view was. And, also, it might sway an opinion, which I didn’t want to do.”

With that sort of statement it has drawn the interest of polling firms, including Public Police Polling.

“We also looked at Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s prospects if he were to run for President as a Democrat,” the firm reported on its blog: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2017/05/health-care-puts-house-in-play.html#more Thirty-six percent of voters see Johnson favorably to 13% with a negative view of him, although 50 percent of voters have no opinion about him either way.”

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