McCarthy defends firing of FBI director

McCarthy defends firing of FBI director

U.S. House of Representatives Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) said that President Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey was the correct one during an interview on Wednesday afternoon on “The Richard Beene Show.”

Citing declining morale at the FBI and Comey’s inaccurate portrayal of a Hillary Clinton aide forwarding classified emails to her husband as justification for Trump’s move.

“You could tell he was beginning to lose trust,” McCarthy said.

The firing has set off another firestorm of partisan fury and defensiveness, and there have been accusations that Trump fired Comey to end investigations into Russia’s ties to Trump’s campaign.

McCarthy, however, dismissed that idea and said investigations will continue.

“I said let the investigation go on.” McCarthy told host Richard Beene. “The investigation is not run by Comey. I don’t believe it will impede any investigation.”

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