Does President Trump keep his promises? Poll says no

Does President Trump keep his promises? Poll says no

A new Gallup poll, released Monday, suggest that a majority of Americans do not believe President Donald Trump keeps his promises, and the polling data suggest a slew of other image problems for the president.

In February, Gallup’s polling suggested 65 percent of Americans believed that Trump has kept his promises, but that has eroded to just 45 percent in April. Trump also faces issues when it comes to the perception that he’s a strong and decisive leader and a wide majority of American’s say they do not trust him.

Gallup Poll data from April 2017


Trump’s approval rating, even after he took military action against Syria, hovers around 40 percent.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Per <a href=””>@Gallup</a> Trump &quot;job approval averaged 40% Tuesday-Thursday before the strikes, and has averaged 40% Friday- Sunday after the strikes&quot;</p>&mdash; Ronald Brownstein (@RonBrownstein) <a href=”″>April 11, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>


While Gallup’s polling numbers are suggesting that Trump is in trouble, there are others that paint a brighter picture for the president, including the Rasmussen Poll, which suggests that 50 percent of American’s approve of his job performance.


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