A group of Bakersfield High School students has earned some major praise for its business planning chops during a national competition this week in New York City.
Dubbed “Bumble,” Bakersfield High’s Virtual Enterprise team won the national competition for business planning based off its plan for a line of honey-based products that ranged from edible treats to skin care using sustainable resources and locally-sourced products.
The team defeated schools from Syosset, New York and Murrieta Valley, Calif. at the Virtual Enterprises International Youth Business Summit, which was held at Pier 92 this week in New York City.
Earlier this year, Team Bumble won a state-wide Business Plan competition at the 2017 Virtual Enterprise California State Trade Show and Business Plan competition held at the Rabobank Convention Center.
The BHS team was made up of Emma Young, Victoria Von Flue, Maddie Rivera, Sophia Caputo, and Griffin Peavler. The team was coached by Ryker Solano.
The Pyramid, the VE team from Centennial High School, placed fourth in the national competition with their business that pairs CrossFit with nutritional supplements.
The Centennial team was made up of Will Marstall, Brenden Rancka, Ayden Cunningham, Mackenzie Hadsell, and Ambar Herrera. The team was coached by Jaci Elliott.