Americana singer, guitarist Nora Jane Struthers performs in Bakersfield

Americana singer, guitarist Nora Jane Struthers performs in Bakersfield

From left: Nora Jane Struthers, Richard Beene and Joe Overton on March 16, 2017

Ahead of her Thursday night performance at Temblor Brewery, Richard Beene interviewed singer Nora Jane Struthers and her husband Joe Overton, who performs with her.

“I really love the music history of this town,” Struthers said on “The Richard Beene Show.”

A native of Nashville, Struthers is an Americana performer — a genre that is sometimes challenging to define.

“My personal definition of it is music that incorporates any number of American roots music styles into, hopefully, original music,” she said.

Tonight’s show starts at 7:30 p.m., but the doors open at 6:30 p.m. To purchase $25 tickets:

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