Bakersfield Police make arrest in shooting death

Bakersfield Police make arrest in shooting death

Bakersfield Police have arrested a 27-year-old man on suspicion of murder after a Monday morning shooting left a man dead.

Police said they have arrested Luis Romero and booked him into Kern County Jail on suspicion of murder.

In a new release, Bakersfield Police said they responded Monday to a call of shots fired at Lincoln and King streets in northeast Bakersfield, and found a man suffering from gun shot wounds. The man, who police described as Hispanic, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Witnesses stated a possible involved vehicle was a white vehicle; however, it’s unknown at this time on the involvement of the vehicle.

The identity of the victim will be released by the Kern County Coroner’s Office.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation or the identity of the suspect is

encouraged to call Detective Matt Gregory (661) 326-3546 or the Bakersfield Police Department at (661) 327-7111.

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