Det. Diaz Doesn’t Deserve … Diddly    By RALPH BAILEY

Det. Diaz Doesn’t Deserve … Diddly By RALPH BAILEY

How many times are the high and mighty members of this society going to stand up and spit in our collective faces. That seems to be the consensus among the decision makers who casually brush aside the wrong doing of their fellow elite. Whether it’s Judge Corey Woodward and his philandering, lying ways, or prosecutor Robert Murray who likes to play jokes in the middle of a child molestation case or our dear dedicated Detective Damacio Diaz who, what he lacks in originality he makes up for in Hutzpah. Diaz, if you have somehow forgotten, stole dope from gang bangers and hardened felons and from the evidence room at BPD. Resold the cache for a tidy profit and all the while using cops to assist in his felonious endeavors. It was bad enough when the Ivory Tower dwellers gave Diaz a pass, asking for a mere five years of his life to make up for the heinous crimes he perpetrated on this community and his colleagues but now to comply with his request to delay his prison sentence is simply obscene. Just when most Americans, even those  dedicated to the rule of the law begin to doubt the system another admitted bad guys gets a pass? Diaz’s attorney shrewdly used the tragic situation of Diaz’s father falling of a roof to manipulate this Feb. 6 delay. (Diaz was due in prison on Monday, Dec. 5.) I feel sorry for his pop but I don’t feel sorry for Diaz. And with a family his size, the entire nation knows about his two more than capable and honest brothers, Diaz’s dad, unlike many associated with felons, has familial options. Now, a man who shows no signs of contrition and who lied right up until the gavel finally fell, don’t forget the so-called bombshell he and his attorney were going to drop on the entire department, will get to drink Egg Nog in front of the tree and ring in a Happy New Year. To paraphrase Richard Pryor, that’s true justice … things that happen only to cops and attorneys and judges. You know, justice. Just us.

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