Mr. Mettler, Please Go Away               By RALPH BAILEY

Mr. Mettler, Please Go Away By RALPH BAILEY

For Adlai Stevens it was Dwight Eisenhower. For Henry Cabot Lodge, John Kennedy and for Ken Mettler it is Kevin Owen McCarthy. Forget about to the winner go the spoils. Mettler and a small band of wanna be players have been flirting at the rim of power here for about 10 years and the people have wisely said, no, thank you to their brand of leadership. But like the fish you forget to take to the dumpster or the in laws you insisted stay as long a they wish, Mettler just seems to linger and linger and then linger, just a little bit more. Seemingly still simmering over the short cut to success he attempted back in 2010 when he tried to confuse voters by pushing “another Shannon” in his race against Shannon Grove, (A race Mettler would have likely won without the idiotic shenanigans.) Mettler continues to try and chip away at the McCarthy brand in hopes that his voice will somehow be heard again and political career somehow resurrected. But don’t we deserve a break. Just as the Democrats thought it wise to run Stevenson against Ike .. again and just how Henry Cabot Lodge, the overwhelming favorite, got his butt kicked in a senate fight with JFK in 1952, only to lose again to “Camelot” as Nixon’s running mate in ’60, we keep having to endure McCarthy vs. Mettler blow outs which inevitably are piggybacked by written attacks gleefully published by a local newspaper who seemingly shares Mettler’s animosity towards the House Majority Leader. To borrow a famous quote from the mid 20th century, at long last, Mr. Mettler, have you no shame?

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