County Board Should Read Lips: No Library Taxes By RALPH BAILEY

County Board Should Read Lips: No Library Taxes By RALPH BAILEY

My mother always used to scream at me that the best way to do something is to tear it off like a bandage. My Dear Sainted Widowed mother said this often for I am the greatest procrastinator in, well I’ll tell you later. But it appears our County Board of Supervisors made up of Leticia Perez, Mike Maggard, Zack Scrivner, Mick Gleason and David Couch, continue to kick the can to the voters rather than making difficult decisions themselves. During my rant last week, half tongue in cheek about the Board’s recent indecision, Supervisor Maggard called the show to, as we say on TRBS “tighten me up” about the vote. Maggard explained how only the voters can raise taxes for the Library and that the Board could only put the kibosh on the entire thing. But instead of the Board doing just that, they’re exploring the idea of spending $58,000 on a Special Election and allowing the voters to make the call. What makes it even more egregious, to a  person, Board members don’t think the voters will come close to the necessary two-thirds majority to enact the tax in the first place. Yes, Mr. Maggard, you all have kicked the can down the street. Privatization of area libraries is inevitable and Maggard and the Board get paid a lot of dough to face such harsh and unpopular realities. Any decision to raise taxes to keep something that has clearly run its coarse is dumb and shows a void in leadership from the Board. Even if it comes in the form of a vote by the people, it is again that lack of leadership that the board would even allow voters to make such a silly, wasteful decision, even if two thirds agree.

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