Apparently Dr. Ben Carson may have lied about being accepted into West Point, an odd assertion to make without truth to support, particularly since he wrote about it in his autobiography. This, however, will have no impact on his presidential bid. Those who don’t want him in the White House will try and use this against him and those open-minded enough to ponder the idea of a brilliant neurosurgeon leading America will not be swayed. Furthermore, you all know my belief: It’s not the error you make, because as humans we all make them but how you respond to the error. One can do the Pete Rose, the Bill Clinton or even the Lance Armstrong destroying people in your tidal waves of lies. But Carson will not. His momentary lapse in honesty is something most folks will forgive. Everyone lies but not everyone is a liar. Absent any pattern of making up ridiculous stories, Carson should be ok. However, his honesty gene is now on blast, as the kids say. And one minor crayon color outside the lines and he’s toast. His entire life will be examined closer than a frog in a tenth grade biology class. With such an extraordinary life there’s no need for fiction. Lay it out there Dr. Carson before you have to be conjoined from my fellow Morehouse brother, Herman Cain.