If you haven’t noticed, there a LOT of people looking for help this Christmas. Every time you turn around, there’s another toy drive or fundraising opportunity to help out the less fortunate. Well, i’ve been working on several of these things, and I can tell you that the need is staggering. Toys For Tots had 18,000 requests for toys this year. 18,000. Add in CASA, The Jameson Center, Bakersfield Rescue Mission, and on and on, and it’s easy to see how bad things are for a whole lot of folks right about now. And the more times you get asked, the easier it gets to say no. It’s called charity fatigue. Don’t let it get to you. This is the perfect time of year for us all to open our hearts (and our wallets) and do what we can to help. Bakersfield always does. So the next time you hear about a toy drive, go big. Take several. When the Salvation Army guy pops up outside your favorite shopping spot, throw in some cash. Yes, times are hard, and we’re all trying to save money, but let’s put that off until next year. Merry Christmas.