Valley Fever Walk


This humankindness was a bit more special and closer to home for us. As one of our own, Ralph Bailey, has been affected by Valley Fever. A few years back Mr. Bailey was hospitalized for about 2 weeks wondering if he would ever get out. He was diagnosed with Valley Fever and had gone through rigorous test and medication to get better. Being a part of the annual Valley Fever Walk out at Pioneer Village and bringing more attention to a cause that draws near to him was a natural fit. In 2012, nearly 18,000 cases of valley fever were reported in the United States, over 65 percent of all valley fever cases occur in Arizona, and 30 percent occur in California. So bringing awareness and funds to a cause so central to our valley isn’t always easy.

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Do you know a person or organization that could use some humankindness… email us at [email protected]

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Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

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